August 2012 Moms

Measuring Big and Worried

I am 24 weeks today. At my appointment today my doc told me I was measuring big and that I would need another ultrasound. I didn't even find out how big I am measuring. He said it could be because I am overweight, or because the baby is just big, or because I have diabetes. He said he suspects the baby is normal size and I am just measuring big and have nothing to worry about. So my ultrasound is scheduled for 5/9 and my glucose test is scheduled for 5/14 and I go back to doc on 5/30. But of course I came home and read every horror story I could find online about gestational diabetes and large babies and the associated birth injuries. When my husband walked in the door I just started sobbing. Ugh. Will this worrying ever stop? 

Re: Measuring Big and Worried

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    Nope. Just the beginning. My son, a week after he was born, started having some very strange eye movements and we thought he was having seizures. He continued these strange eye movements for about 5 or 6 months. He finally just grew out of it, however, it made us worry something fierce. We had EEG's done, etc... Things we never THOUGHT OUR baby would ever have. Worrying never ends. I promise. It just gets worse. Congrats, you're already a mom!

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    I wouldn't worry too much. My baby is measuring about 4 days bigger than she should, but that is just longer not heavier. I am also plus size and have already done a GD test and passed with flying colors. You might just end up with a long baby like us!


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    I had this problem with my first son. They did another ultrasound and found out i just had a lot of extra fluid. Which of course wont hurt the baby any. Just makes for a little heavier of a load to carry around. 
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    I know its been said before, but I think it bears repeating: For your peace of mind and sanity, STEP AWAY FROM GOOGLE!!

    It doesnt do you any favors. Ever. Especially pregnant. Your doctor is always the best indicator of when to worry (trust me, this is my third go round on the pregnancy train and I have always measured bigger than what I the end, usually about two weeks ahead. My doctor was never concerned so I tried not to be). I know everything is super nerve wracking right now, but you arent doing yourself or your baby any favors getting upset about something that has yet to happen.

    Unfortunately, the worry never ends. My first car drive with just myself and my son had me pulling over to the side of the road in tears because I couldnt see him and I was absolutely certain there was something wrong. I stopped at Walmart to pick up a seat mirror so I wouldnt have to do that every time I went for a drive.

    The good news is that you learn to live with the fear and the worry. You learn to manage it. But for now, white knuckle it through. It will be ok. more Google, ok? Big Smile

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    I know how you feel, I'm measuring big, too.  At my appointment three weeks ago, I was already measuring two weeks ahead.  I have another appointment today, and am a bit nervous where I'm going to measure this time.  No other indications yet of GD, though, so we'll just have to wait until my glucose test at the end of May...
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